A Brief History of the Metropolitan Opera House in New York

Vicky Travlos attained years of merchandising, advertising, and sales experience while serving such companies as Businessweek magazine and McGraw-Hill. In addition to her business background, Vicky Travlos stays culturally engaged by attending performances at the Metropolitan Opera House. 

“The Met” is an essential institution in New York’s music scene, allowing residents access to world-class opera performances. The Met has been a fixture in New York City for more than a century. 

In the early 1880s, businesspeople in New York decided the city needed a theater that could cater to upper-class cultural tastes. 

Originally, most opera performances at The Met were performed in Italian. Later, the institution began hosting operas in their original languages.

Soon after the construction of the opera house, theater managers realized that it lacked enough stage space to fully accommodate performances. In 1966, The Met moved into a new, much larger location at Lincoln Center, where it remains today.
